Senior Dining Site

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11:30 AM at the Elcho Town Hall/Community Center, N11234 Dorr Street.

Who is Eligible for Senior Lunch

  • Anyone aged 60 or older, or their spouse.

  • A disabled individual who resides at home with an eligible older individual who participates in the program.

Who is eligible for Home Delivered Meals?

  • Each of the following criteria must be met to be eligible for Home Delivered Meals

  • 60 years or older, or spouse of someone who participates in the program

  • Must be home-bound (does not leave the home under normal circumstances)

  • Be physically or emotionally unable to obtain food/prepare adequate meals.

  • Each request for Home Delivered Meals is evaluated on an individual basis

For more information or for reservations call, Connie 715-627-6232 or 888-486-9545

Reservations are needed by 12:00 Noon ONE business day in advance. Meals are served with skim, 2%, or chocolate milk. Menus are subject to change without notice.